Sunday, November 21, 2010

Amateur Writing Contest Ends - On to the Judging!

Amateur Writing Contest

Our amateur writing contest was a huge success… small enough for good competition but big enough for… uh… good competition. :D Thank you one and all. On to the judging! We’ll notify you as soon as possible. Allow up to two months.

NOTE: I just changed the controls on this site so that you can comment without joining the site, filling in a code or leaving an email address. I know your time is limited and we welcome your comments. Quick and easy!

WRITING TIP: Writing is easier when you have the proper tools. I’m not talking about having fingers to type or write (although that helps). I’m talking about things that will keep you motivated such as joining a writing group, posting your work in those groups, giving and receiving comments, subscribing to The Writer Magazine (or some other) and getting a marketing book such as Writer’s Market. Invest at least $50 a year in yourself. Write 15 min. every single day – even if it’s only about the tidbits of life.

What questions do you have about writing? Just ask and we’ll answer. Please bookmark us, hit “like” and all that good stuff. Help us out and drop in for a visit at You can also find me on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Happy day!