Sunday, November 21, 2010

Amateur Writing Contest Ends - On to the Judging!

Amateur Writing Contest

Our amateur writing contest was a huge success… small enough for good competition but big enough for… uh… good competition. :D Thank you one and all. On to the judging! We’ll notify you as soon as possible. Allow up to two months.

NOTE: I just changed the controls on this site so that you can comment without joining the site, filling in a code or leaving an email address. I know your time is limited and we welcome your comments. Quick and easy!

WRITING TIP: Writing is easier when you have the proper tools. I’m not talking about having fingers to type or write (although that helps). I’m talking about things that will keep you motivated such as joining a writing group, posting your work in those groups, giving and receiving comments, subscribing to The Writer Magazine (or some other) and getting a marketing book such as Writer’s Market. Invest at least $50 a year in yourself. Write 15 min. every single day – even if it’s only about the tidbits of life.

What questions do you have about writing? Just ask and we’ll answer. Please bookmark us, hit “like” and all that good stuff. Help us out and drop in for a visit at You can also find me on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Happy day!

Saturday, November 20, 2010


AMATEUR WRITING CONTEST ENDS AT MIDNIGHT. It's not too late to join in the fun. NO FEES. CASH PRIZE - Sure will come in handy for Christmas shopping. Hurry! There's still time! See guidelines at

WRITING TIP: It's almost impossible 2 find a subject that hasn't been covered. How you build the characters and plot (angle) is what makes your story unique.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Character Development Challenges: Caring about your characters

Character Development Challenges: Caring about your characters


(See link at bottom for writing contest.)


As part of the re-write and polishing phase, read what you've written aloud. This will help you spot the sections that drag or sound choppy. Pay attention to the rhythm of your sentences. If there are too many short sentences or too many long ones, break them up or lengthen them so they vary in tempo. Don’t put your readers to sleep.

Remember that editors are experts at spotting multiple adjectives and adverbs. They scan the nouns and verbs and see how many modifies are attached to them. Commas that separate the modifiers are a dead giveaway. Multiple adjectives like “dark, cloudy, stormy, moonless night” is a sure sign of a beginning writer, and it's sure to put your manuscript in the deep-six pile.

It pays to focus your attention on the rewrite and polishing phase of your story/article. If you can impress the editors, you will impress the readers. If rewriting/polishing is your least favorite part of writing, rethink your commitment to be a writer.

Study hardest that which you dread most and when you master it, you will no longer dread it.

Be sure to join our AMATEUR WRITING COMPETITION, which ends Nov. 20, 2010. CASH PRIZE. NO FEES. What do you have to lose? Test your skills. Check for guidelines. You may also sign up for The Writer's Choice Newsletter at the same link. For more free writing tips, see and

Friday, November 12, 2010

Caring about your characters

If you have no particular feeling for your characters, your readers won't either. You can have the most exciting plot with loads of action, but without memorable characters, your story will flag and go flat like a bad tire. Learn to love your characters, the heroes as well as the villains. Know what makes them tick. As a real life example, Richard M. Nixon, as president, did some very strange things. It is said that he had an overwhelming desire to be liked by everyone, which explains his motivation.

Know what motivates your charcters. People react in different ways to the same adversities. Some will carry a life-long grudge, others will take that adversity and use it as a challenge to better their lives. What will your characters do? Know this and you will be able to create good, solid characters whom your readers will remember.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


CALLING ALL WRITERS – Did you know that 80% of the population has thought about writing a book? There’s a little writer in all of us. Pit your amateur talents against others like yourself in this AMATEUR WRITING COMPETITION. NO FEE – CASH PRIZE. Ends Nov. 20 – so hurry! See the guidelines at and FOLLOW THE RULES. Good luck! Deb